Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Lord Looketh on the Heart

Earlier this week, my son was so excited to watch another one of those "people's choice" award shows that come on at this time of year. He had been excited to exercise his right to vote, and was wondering if any of the people he had voted for won an award. In a world that judges a person by the wealth that they accumulate, or the titles and awards that are bestowed, I am grateful the Lord's plan is different. President Thomas S Monson taught,
"In our world, moral character ofttimes seems secondary to beauty or charm. But from long ago the Lord’s counsel to Samuel the prophet echoes: “The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). When the Savior sought a man of faith, He did not select him from the throng of the self-righteous who were found regularly in the synagogue. Rather, He called him from among the fishermen of Capernaum. Doubting, unschooled, impetuous Simon became Peter, Apostle of faith. When the Savior chose a missionary of zeal and power, He found him not among His advocates but amidst His adversaries. Saul the persecutor became Paul the proselytizer. The Redeemer chose imperfect people to teach the way to perfection. He did so then. He does so now. He calls you and me to serve Him here below.”
We tend to judge people, and sometimes ourselves, based on our own understanding, or the outward appearance. We are all on our own levels of growth. We may be having the exact same experience, at the exact same time, thinking that we understand the situation, but we don't. We are judging by our own knowledge, not seeing the whole picture. The Lord sees the intents, and the reasons behind the actions. He sees the level of growth that each person is at, and helps them to progress on their own individual level. I am so grateful that the Lord through his tender mercies, loves me so much to give me the chance to progress and grow. I am grateful that when I do judge myself, or others unrighteously, he gives me the chance to repent. It is these simple ways that he teaches, that has such profound meaning in my life.

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